
Whiskey Sunset

The Urban Hippie por Demetri Huffman

Notas del episodio

The Urban Hippie podcast is a raw, unscripted shoot-the-shit style platform that explores individuals from all walks of life. Both through love and understanding we hope to push upon the boundaries of this crazy new age.

The Urban Hippie and co-host Whiskey Papi, both 80"s babies, have an eclectic background of sports, music and cannabis. In this episode titled Whiskey Sunset we take a journey down memory lane. From our first experiences with cannabis to untold stories from the Urban Hippie's time playing professional football overseas, Whiskey and Hippie ride the wave. Make sure to check out the Urban Hippie book, a book of short stories from the perspective of an 80's baby millennial that will set the foundation for MetriMotion.com.

Also coming soon: Ball'in Brazil. The hippies 2011, MVP championship run for the Corinthians of Sao ... 

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