Notas del episodio

We talk at the beginning of this episode about Accountability, and finding someone that you can be accountable to. For a deeper chat, please check out Episode 58.

A longer title could be 'Looking for Hope vs Not Wanting to Get Hurt, and Where is that Balance'. We know that would be a bit too long, so we shortened it. So where is that balance? We have been in previous relationships, and we know others have as well. We know that there is a journey and struggle to want to look for hope after you have been hurt, and sometimes a dread of 'If I get hurt again, will I be able to recover?'.

We break down some of the struggles that can come with this journey, and we also give some direction towards hope, and the One that grants it. Come along for the ride, and let us know what you think. Did this help you?

Have the best week! Enjoy the ... 

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