What it means to be loved

Take Note por UoA OnCampus

Notas del episodio

Welcome back Note Takers to the podcast where we give you the best notes on everything you need to know from the day you start uni to the day you graduate.

This week’s episode is all about healthy relationships. We catch up with student counsellors Jacqui and Jo to tell us how we can better communicate with our intimate partners and the ins and outs of consent.

Guest: Jacqui Li and Jo McNamara

Hosted by: Shannon Pearce

This episode was produced by Shannon Pearce.

If you or another student you know needs some mental health or wellbeing support, head to UoA’s Wellbeing Hub: Student Health and Wellbeing or check out

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Palabras clave
universitystudystudentstressself-improvementhigher educationtake noteadelaideaustraliaUoAuniversity of adelaidestudyingrelationships