Notas del episodio

We take our hats off to the men and women of Pearl Harbor, especially those December 7, 1941. That day, the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor put us in a World War on two different continents. America surviving WWI is a miracle and a story of an era of people who still put "Country First." On today's show, we discuss in detail and hear from our lawmakers about the HUGE issues of our day: antisemitism, racism, criminality, legislative debacles in Washington, and how our leader -- Joe Biden, appears to be headed down the Impeachment Road. And it's not looking positive for the President. We hear from several Ivy League college Presidents who shocked most of us with their unwillingness to call out the antisemitism on their campuses that is turning into violence at some times. NONE of the three University presidents would admit they "should" take actio ... 

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