Trust Your Journey

por Nicky Clarke

Welcome to my podcast “Trust Your Journey”. My name is Nicky Clarke and I am a Certified Spiritual Life Coach and Mindfulness Coach. I help people connect or reconnect to who they truly are by navigating through limiting beliefs. I empower people pleasers to speak their truth UNAPOLOGETICALLY! My journey began when I was given the gift of becoming an empty nester. After discovering the practice of Mindfulness and Spiritual Li ...   ...  Leer más

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Trust Your Journey

    Trust Your Journey

    Listen & Enjoy as we discuss the beauty of Mental Health Awareness Month. May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month and with all that is happening in the world today, it is even more important that we are aware and ready to assist where we can. Join us in this episode as we dive into how we can help ourselves and others around us.

  • Trust Your Journey

    Trust Your Journey

    Listen & Enjoy as we discuss the beauty of SECOND CHANCES. We all deserve second chances because truthfully we all make mistakes, say and do hurtful things as well as have done unto us. The question is... how do we grow from them? Join us in this episode as we dive into how to grow, forgive and give second chances as we all aim to be set free from the pain and hurt.

  • Trust Your Journey

    Trust Your Journey

    Episode # 18 - Honoring Your Cracks and Imperfections Listen & Enjoy as we discuss the need to honour our scars as they are OUR gained wisdom. Many times we feel the need to discard our broken pieces, but I beg to differ. Why not mend them with love and gratitude? Without these pieces, we will not be able to be whole again. Putting The Pieces Back Together? Life, especially of recent, feels like it can break us, think we can all testify. For some, it feels that the last couple of months have them "shredded" leaving them now to pick up the pieces. That's okay....pick them up!

  • Trust Your Journey

    Trust Your Journey

    Episode # 17 - Finding Your Tribe Listen & Enjoy as we discuss how you can find your tribe, your people. We all know a tribe is a group of people, male or female who together will help you move as one in the face of fear and uncertainty, but what you may have overlooked is how powerful your tribe can be. Tribes help to balance each other out, as we get different perspectives from each other, different levels of truths, and oh so much more. They create a safe sacred space where there is unconditional love, friendship, and wisdom. Now let’s dive in and find your tribe.

  • Trust Your Journey

    Trust Your Journey

    Episode # 16 - Puzzle Pieces. Listen & Enjoy as we discuss the topic PUZZLE PIECES. Lately, I feel like our lives are like a giant 1000 piece puzzle with the full image all in one colour and when I step back and look at it I just cannot comprehend putting all the pieces together. In this episode, we dive in on HOW to put the 1000 puzzle pieces together during these times.