Ep. 93 Manifesting with self concept work

Topanga Moon por Ana Alic

Notas del episodio
Happy Spring!!! I am so excited we are now in spring and the energy is shifting. I have a fun new solo episode for you today on the podcast all about manifesting with self concept work. In this episode I explain what self concept is and how we can use it to manifest effortlessly. I also share the ways in which I tailored the self concept work to work with my current belief systems. This is a different way to approach self concept way that works with the way I see energy and my own experiences with manifesting. In this episode I discuss:
  • The book psycho cybernetics
  • Knowing that we are energetic beings and we create our reality
  • How self concept work is similar to timeline jumping, all about aligning with the version of yourself that already has what you desire.
  • Using a different method of self concept work by giving mys ... 
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Palabras clave
psycho cybernetics