Ep. 115 - FAFO Farms TX: Regenerative Farming, Raw Milk, and a Farmshare

Thriving The Future Podcast por Thriving The Future

Notas del episodio

Clint from FAFO Farms shares how he started regenerative farming a little over a year ago using the Joel Salatin method, by rotationally grazing cows, chickens, and goats. They have a farmshare, providing raw milk to their members.

When they were looking for land, their criteria was at least 20 acres, access to water or a creek, and fertile land for regenerative farming -

  • no herbs or pesticides
  • Revitalize the soil
  • Rotational grazing cows, then chickens, then goats to break the parasite cycle.

The War on Food

We talk about how he inadvertently became the latest front in the War on Food, with people from Austin reporting him to the Health Dept for selling raw milk (although farmshares are perfectly legal in TX).

Tips for New Homesteaders

Clint's tips for new homesteaders:

  • Foc ... 
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Palabras clave
homesteadingwar on foodregenerative farmingcarnivore diet