Soong-Chan Rah & Dennis Edwards - Money and the Bible

Theology Lab por Scott Rice

Notas del episodio

Recorded on November 12, 2023. The third session of Theology Lab's 2023-2024 series, "God & Money." In this discussion, guest speakers Dennis Edwards Jr. and Soong-Chan Rah, along with moderator Scott Rice, discuss what the Bible says about money and its application to the life of faith communities today. Listen in for a stimulating conversation on the following questions (and more): How can the witness of the church in Acts 2 impact our relationship to money and other people today? Have we internalized a transactional relationship with God (i.e., if you X, I'll do Y)? How can a new self-understanding change the way we view giving? How can we incorporate more diverse views and people with different experiences around money into the decision-making processes of the church?

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