Tilo Kruse chats on walking 3000km across Europe & Sailing 20 days across the Atlantic to Trinidad

Odyssey Podcast por Kriston & Jerone

Notas del episodio

Tilo Kruse began his journey at the young age of 18, leaving his small town in Germany and making his way through Spain, Berlin, Paris, Gibraltar, The Canary Islands and finally to Trinidad and Tobago. With his bag on his back and solar panel tucked away he has made this perilous journey in survival mode, only relying on his wits and the generosity of strangers. Tilo intends to make his way from Trinidad to the Amazon where he plans to spend some time living with a local tribe, learning their ways and giving back to them as much as he can. Subsequent to this, he intends on fulfilling his dream of crossing the Pacific and making his way around the globe.

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