The Gang Does an Urbit Maxi Episode

The Network Age por Bichul Ritsen and Habsul Rignyr

Notas del episodio

On this extra special episode, the boys are joined by Theodore Blackman (~rovnys-ricfer), Engineering Manager at Tlon, to discuss Assembly, composability, Uqbar, and the bright future of Urbit. All this, plus Holium, Stripe, an extended carpentry metaphor, and how ~timluc has forced ~bichul to slave away in the coding gulags of Hoon School.



1:12—Assembly and composability


10:08—How do we evaluate Urbit?

16:45—What is missing from Urbit (and "public goods")?

26:53—Is Urbit ready for outside investment?

32:49—Urbit community, culture, and vision

38:40—But Urbit is REALLY about the tech

42:24—Now is a fun/powerful time to get into Urbit

45:37—Introducing Uqbar

53:36—The metanarrative of Urbit