Episodios del podcast
Temporada 2
Thor and the Three Tasks Part 3 - The Tasks!
Our brave heroes feast with the giants but are challenged to tests to prove themselves. All is not as it seems. Thank you all who have donated to my travel expenses to the World teacher Conference and the cost of this podcast! If you have any spare change under your seat cushions, throw it in my tip jar! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JES47LMHPUYK2 A million thanks!
Thor and the Three Tasks Part 2 - Skrimir the Giant!
Thor, Loki, and Thafli meet a helpful giant. Is he too good to be true? Thank you all who have donated to my travel expenses to the World teacher Conference and the cost of this podcast! If you have any spare change under your seat cushions, throw it in my tip jar! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JES47LMHPUYK2 A million thanks!
Thor and the Three Tasks part 1 The Goats!
This is a long story broken up in three parts. In this first part of the story, Thor and Loki gain a new traveling companion. Thank you all who have donated to my travel expenses to the World teacher Conference and the cost of this podcast! If you have any spare change under your seat cushions, throw it in my tip jar! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JES47LMHPUYK2 A million thanks!
Freyr and Gerdr - The Price of Love
The God Freyr falls madly in love with a Joten's daughter. He can not eat or sleep until he has made her his. What will he do when she refuses his proposal? Thank you to everyone who is supporting me and The Morning Lesson podcast with your donations and Patreon. Right now all donations will help me attend the World Teacher Conference. I am half way to my goal! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JES47LMHPUYK2
Freya's Necklace
What are you willing to sacrifice for what you desire? Odin gave up his eye - Freyr gave his sword. What will Freya give up for what she would have? Thank you to everyone who is supporting me and The Morning Lesson podcast with your donations and Patreon. Right now all donations will help me attend the World Teacher Conference. I am half way to my goal! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JES47LMHPUYK2