The Legacy Room

por The Master's Seminary

Visit The Legacy Room, where Dr. Abner Chou and Dr. Nathan Busenitz discuss foundational doctrines fo the Christian life. These conversations will help you better understand the essential beliefs of the Christian life, convictions The Master's Seminary has always taught and will always defend.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • How to Interpret the Bible, Part 1

    How to Interpret the Bible, Part 1

    John MacArthur, chancellor of The Master’s University and Seminary, often says “the meaning of Scripture is Scripture.” That’s a profound statement about what Scripture is and how we benefit from it. On this episode, Abner Chou and Nathan Busenitz talk about how to interpret Scripture—a division of theology called hermeneutics. This conversation can help believers know how to get the meaning of Scripture right so they can experience the power of Scripture fully.

  • What Does It Mean to be Made in the Image of God?

    What Does It Mean to be Made in the Image of God?

    When God designed mankind, his first description of them was "made in his image." How does that aspect of our design give us purpose? How does it affect our view of gender? And how should it change the way we view our sense of worth and value? Get answers as Dr. Abner Chou and Dr. Nathan Busenitz explore an aspect of humanity that's at the core of our identity.

  • Why Does Genesis Matter?

    Why Does Genesis Matter?

    If you misunderstand or misinterpret the opening chapters of the Bible, you are going to get a lot of theology wrong. Fact is, Genesis affects how you read the rest of the Bible, how you understand the character of God, the nature of sin, what it means to be man and woman, the hope of redemption, the role of science, and so much more. In this episode, Dr. Abner Chou and Dr. Nathan Busenitz are going to explain why Genesis matters and how you can make sure you are reading the Bible the right way, starting with chapter 1.

  • The Rapture: Fact or Fiction?

    The Rapture: Fact or Fiction?

    The Bible uses mysterious, shrouded language to describe a sudden taking away of believers. Through history, Christian have referred to this as the rapture. What will this event be like? Why believe it is going to happen? Dr. Abner Chou and Dr. Nathan Busenitz talk about why The Master's Seminary affirms that the rapture is biblical and why this event matters.

  • What is Pre-Millennialism?

    What is Pre-Millennialism?

    When will Jesus Christ return? What will his return be like? And what, if any, role does the church have in the second coming of Christ? Get answers as Dr. Abner Chou and Dr. Nathan Busenitz talk about how The Master's Seminary approaches eschatology. This conversation can help fill you with hope as you see the glorious future that awaits those who follow Christ.