
She's a Maneater

The Grimm Mystics por Amber Scribbick & Lesley Gregg

Notas del episodio

In this week’s episode, The Mystics travel through a whimsical and thought-provoking journey into the heart of nature's green giants🌲 Are trees alive? Amber and Lesley are diving deep into the realm of botanical philosophy. From pondering the existential crisis of a sapling to debating whether trees can communicate and speak to each other, no bark is left unturned🌳Get ready for a bark-tastic adventure as they explore the quirks of tree life 🥬Are they merely stationary beings, or do they possess a secret society of tree wisdom? Tune in to find out as our dynamic duo navigate through the forest of philosophical inquiry 🍃


📸 Cover Art by Rainbowfishdesign

🎶 The Grimm Mystics Theme Song by Bear Golden  ... 

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Palabras clave
treestreeare trees alive?tree sciencetree factsphilosophy of trees