Nutrition Periodization, Ketone Esters, & More!

The Educated Athlete Podcast por Trevor Short, PhD (c), CSCS

Notas del episodio

If you want to learn more about taking your performance to the next level via modern nutrition, this is the episode for you!

Key Topics & Concepts:

  • Ketone Esters

  • Nootropics

  • Substrates (Fats vs Carbs vs Protein) & their role in metabolism

  • Nutritional periodization

  • What's next in nutrition?

With Michael Brandt, Co-founder & CEO of H.V.M.N. He's an avid triathlete and marathoner (2:42 PR). Prior to starting H.V.M.N., he received his BS in Computer Science & Design at Stanford, was a Product Manager at Google, and Adjunct Professor at the Academy of Art in SF. He has always been a leader, and lifelong student, of designing products for new and emerging needs.

Palabras clave
strength and conditioningfitnessrunningnutritionsport performancecyclingperiodizationketoneesternootropics