Why men should care more about skincare, with Jono Sumner

The After Hours Lounge por Sandy Clunas

Notas del episodio

Great to be joined this week by Jono Sumner, co-founder of awesome skincare brand, LifeJacket Skin Protection.

Skincare and generally looking after your appearance has been something men have shied away from for many years. We discussed this, Jono's cancer diagnosis in his 30's and subsequent recovery, how that made him feel less invincible and resulting in him founding LifeJacket aimed at spreading more awareness around skin cancer and how disparate proportions of men are dying of it.

As a windsurfer, I've spent a lot of time in the sun, this was a conversation I was excited to have and one that will hopefully have fellow watersports lovers taking a minute to cream up before hitting the water, and realising that it's totally acceptable to then fire some moisturiser on your face before heading out in the evening.

Hope you enjoy  ... 

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