Elites Hit Hard So You Don't Have To

The RunRX Podcast por Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Notas del episodio

Discover how elite runners and top shoe brands are proving our running techniques right, and learn to run faster and safer at any age.

Timestamps of big takeaways

[00:52] The Myth of Running on Clouds

We kick things off by debunking the popular marketing claim of running shoes feeling like "running on clouds."

[03:38] Debunking Elite Runner Myths

Ever heard that elite runners hit the ground harder? Here, you'll discover why more cushioning isn't always better and how gravity, not ground force, is the key to acceleration in running.

[05:53] The Truth About Ground Contact in Running

Coach Valerie breaks down the science of how your foot should ideally interact with the ground during running.

[07:28] Nike's Surprising Olympic Shoe Design

We dive into Nike's latest innovation fo ... 

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Palabras clave
athleticsfitness running coachrunning coachrunning membershipEfficient running technique