Hyrox Training

The RunRX Podcast por Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Notas del episodio

Considering a Hyrox event and need Hyrox Training? If we’re speaking Greek to you, tune in now to find out what all the hype is about!

Timestamps of big takeaways

[00:46] Introduction to Hyrox

- Coach Valerie explains what Hyrox is: a race run event with 8 kilometers of running and 8 stations with various exercises like ski machine, rowing, burpee broad jumps, lunges, wall balls, and farmer carry.

[01:41] Valerie's Decision to Participate in Hyrox

- Coach Valerie shares her decision to participate in Hyrox after watching a friend compete and being asked by a 62-year-old woman she trains.

- Valerie believes that participating in Hyrox will help her better understand and train others for the event.

[03:13] Diverse Group Training for Hyrox

- Coach Valerie mentions that she has women in their 30s, 40s ... 

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