Running Hard Vs. Letting Go

The RunRX Podcast por Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Notas del episodio

Want to learn how to run faster without overexertion? You need this episode! Tune in now.

Timestamps of big takeaways

Differentiating Hard Running vs. Speed Running

[00:36] There is a difference between running hard and running fast. Many runners push too much effort trying to go faster rather than improving efficiency.

Teaching Proper Running Efficiency

[02:13] We teach runners proper technique so running feels easier and they can go faster without overexertion. This involves drills to get comfortable with new movements.

Letting Yourself Fall vs. Running Hard

[04:43] Coach Valerie elaborates on "letting yourself fall" vs. running hard. She explains good form allows lighter leg turnover at faster speeds.

Elite Runners Make It Look Effortless

[06:30] Elite runners appear relaxe ... 

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Runningfitnessfitness running coachrunning coach