2.2 Guided Visualization to Get Clear on your Values and What's Holding you Back

The Tech Less Podcast por April Rust

Notas del episodio

Key Takeaways

  • Identify personal values and envision your ideal life to gain clarity on priorities
  • Let go of limiting beliefs and self-doubt holding you back
  • Take small daily actions to reclaim your spirit and feel more alive


Guided Visualization Exercise

  • Imagine your ideal life 3 years from now
  • Envision your dream job/work situation that aligns with your values
  • Reflect on what you love most about this vision and what's different from current reality
  • Consider what you need to let go of to make room for this new life

Reclaiming Yourself

  • Identify 3 things you have control over that you can do daily to feel more alive
  • Become aware of limiting mindsets like fear, perfe ... 
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Palabras clave
meditationwork-life balanceworkloadvaluesclarity