
Tale Number Two

Tales from Xaevalon por Tales from Xaevalon

Notas del episodio


Knights of Xaevalon 1:23

History of Xaevalon 11:26

Stories of Xaevalon 23:16.

This episode of Tales from Xaevalon contains the following stories:

Knights of Xaevalon - The Dead Tree Sisters. Sir Reginalde the Dragon Slayer enters the Ghost Maple Forest to investigate missing kids from nearby White Pine and Felwood Villages. His investigation will soon bring him face-to-face with the wicked Dead Tree Sisters, and their plot to destroy Xaevalon.

History of Xaevalon - The History of Detulah the Forever Maiden. Hear the tragic history of how one barbarian's lust, anger, and jeaoulsy caused a tribe of barbarians to be wiped off the face of Xaevalon, and the consequences that came upon Detulah when she sought revenge with the help of the necromancer, Yiodhur the Accursed.

Stories of Xaevalon - The Ba ... 

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