The Synergy Connection Show

por Lucy Forsting

"Living Your Best Life" encompasses multiple facets within a person's life. The balance can be precarious but once accomplished you can achieve anything you desire.

Episodios del podcast

  • The Sensitive Spirit: Navigating Springs Spiritual Energies with Julia Harrell

    The Sensitive Spirit: Navigating Springs Spiritual Energies with Julia Harrell

    Julia is a clairvoyant and Spiritual Development Coach who helps highly sensitive people, empaths and intuitives overcome their sensitivities and heal themselves in the process. She has been studying within this field for over 30 years and has guided thousands of individuals through professional readings, healings and teachings. Our show today explores how our sensitivities increase in the spring as everything living has increased energies and vibrational frequencies. Julia Harell can be reached for consultation at:

  • What Are Healing Frequencies with Rae Leonard

    What Are Healing Frequencies with Rae Leonard

    Rae Leonard joins the show today to explain healing frequencies and a device she uses with her clients called a Healy Device. This device is based on the discovery of quantum physics, and it measures and analyses vibrations in the body. Sometimes these vibrational frequencies can become out of balance and this device can then be used to target those specific areas creating improvements in the mind/body function. Some areas where improvements can be seen using this device: Enhanced brain function Diminished stress Alleviation of pain Improved sleep patterns Rae Leonard can be reached for consultation via her website linked below.

  • Understanding How the Vagus Nerve Works with Rev. Karen Herrick PhD.

    Understanding How the Vagus Nerve Works with Rev. Karen Herrick PhD.

    The vagal nerves carry signals between your brain, heart and digestive system. Damage to this area can prevent food from not moving properly into your intestines. These nerves also control your heart rate and immune system. Your left and right vagal nerves contain 75% of your parasympathetic nervous system’s nerve fibers. They are the opposite of your sympathetic nervous system which is the “fight or flight” response. Karen and I discuss the importance of this part of the nervous system on today’s show and why listeners need to understand how this nerve contributes to our health and wellness. Karen Herrick can be reached for consultation via the following links: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for access to all my videos and presentations

  • What Does It Mean to Pay Yourself First with Steven Step

    What Does It Mean to Pay Yourself First with Steven Step

    Steven Step joins us again today to explain the concept of “Paying Yourself First”. He explains that your money should only go to 5 places: Savings Taxes Insurance (Life, Health, Long Term Care) Debt Investing The Bank on Yourself Program helps you to save tax free in all of these areas. Additionally, you can use it to pay off debt and invest. It even gives you a way to finance and recapture the cost of cars, trips and other big-ticket items so be sure to listen to this show and learn how to improve your financial future. Steven Step can be reached for consultation at: LinkedIn

  • Using Plant Medicine with a Busy Family Lifestyle with Steven Twohig

    Using Plant Medicine with a Busy Family Lifestyle with Steven Twohig

    Steven Twohig is the founder of Mastering Change and spent a decade studying and working with Tony Robbins.  He is currently studying the impact of shadow work on psychedelic integration and bridging the gap between traditional plant medicine and the western mind. On the show today, we are discussing how to incorporate “plant medicine” into your life.  Technically, herbal medicine or botanical medicine means using a plant’s seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark or flowers for medicinal purposes.  Many people are familiar with this concept and in many cases, plant medicine can be incorporated into someone’s health regime even if they are using some pharmaceuticals. Steven Twohig can be reached for consultation via the following links. LinkedIn