What is Jordan Peterson up to?? A foray into his recent interviews with Russell Brand and Bill Maher

Surfing The Discourse por Jack Treadwell

Notas del episodio

Jordan Peterson - the man, the myth, the legend!

Some say he has become passé in the political arena; I say the man is an evergreen source of - well - if not good ideas and clear thinking, then at the very least of amusement and salutary lessons in how not to reason.

In this episode I examine a couple of his recent interviews: his appearance on Bill Maher's 'Club Random' podcast, and his appearance on Russell Brand's show.

We'll see Peterson's recent decent into the dark rabbit hole of psychopathic, machiavellian villains, and the fruits of his efforts to expose the myriad misdeeds of this menacing menagerie.

We'll uncover the logic behind Peterson's incessant references to the bible (as well as Disney cartoons), and, more importantly, we'll unlock the key to Jordan Peterson's successful love life!

So, whether you're ... 

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Palabras clave
bill maher