Notas del episodio

Happy Easter! We are starting a new Quarter and what better way to start it than to celebrate Easter!! Through my lenses, am here to remind you ; 'Don't try so Hard! a song Inspired by Amy Grant. God Gives you grace you can't earn it, so don't think that you are not worth it, because you are, He gave you His love and he's not leaving gave you His son so you would believe it, You are lovely even with your scars, 'Don't try So Hard'

This Easter, Rest, Surrender , lay your burdens at the foot of the Cross, leave them there, then look up and see Christ saying, It is finished! Allow yourself to rest with Him and rise up on the 3rd day, a conqurer, a new creature, with lots of hope, strengthed to face another quarter and Alive in Christ.

On this episode, we are also introducing, Strategic Lenses Merchandise; Gratitide Jars & Shades!

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