Spice of LifeExplícito

por Julia Spicer

Spice of Life hosted by Julia Spicer exists to help growth driven women develop the mind, body, & soul they need to be holistically healthy. While listening you can expect to feel seen, heard, and empowered. With over 10 years experience leading women, Julia Spicer delivers grace filled truth, life advice, & ultimately strives to help create an inspired woman who's ready to create a BIG fucking LIFE!

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • Qualifying Yourself

    Qualifying Yourself

    Do you know what you desire but keep talking yourself out of it? Are you letting fear or doubt keep you from chasing your dreams or going after what you want?This episode is for YOU. In this quick 17 minute episode, Julia dissects the the lie that you have to be "qualified enough" to step into who you want to be and what you desire to accomplish and turns the tables to show you that by starting, you're qualifying yourself. From start to finish, you'll feel seen, heard, encouraged, and by the end you'll be ready to take inspired action.Connect with me on instagram! @juliaerinspicer

  • Welcome to the Season 2 Premiere!!


    Welcome to the Season 2 Premiere!!


    Hey hey friend!! I am back and ready to bring you an all new, powerful, FUN, value packed season! And lemme tell you, this first episode brings the Spice!!Season 2 is all about being real, raw, and getting to the nitty gritty. It's through the act of recognizing, releasing, requesting, and receiving that we grow to become the person we are created to be living the life of our dreams! Get comfy, grab your journal, and let's get to it!Book Referenced: Rich as F*CK by Amanda Frances

  • Listen when you need to REST


    Listen when you need to REST


    "We don't earn rest because of our work, we're ready to work because of our rest." In today's episode, Julia walks you through a guided meditation to help you get to a state of rest mentally, physically, and emotionally. If you're feeling exhausted, worn out, and simultaneously guilty about wanting rest, THIS ONE'S FOR YOU. If you feel worn out and like your "tank is empty" THIS ONE'S FOR YOU. I hope after listening to this episode, you feel in a peaceful state to rest, reset, and allow you to receive exactly what you need. **do not listen to this episode while driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery

  • Temporada 1

  • 27. Glass half Full

    27. Glass half Full

    We are officially half way through 2022!! **insert mind blown emoji On this week's episode of the podcast, Julia gives you an in depth look into her powerful (and effective) mid-year review. How she looks back to learn and gets her mind forward focused to finish the year strong. Grab a seat, a pen, and some paper, it's going to be a great one!

  • 26. When in Doubt

    26. When in Doubt

    "Doubt is an emotion we experience frequently & talk about rarely." In this week's episode of the podcast, Julia brings to light the normalcy of doubt. How normal and in fact, human, it is to ask "why?" "for how long?" and/or "is this even working for me?" It's HUMAN to experience doubt, to wonder, and to sometimes be in low belief. Tune in as Julia walks you through the different phases, the causes, and what to do in the midst of growing as business owner and ultimately, the best possible version of yourself. Resources mentioned: Atomic Habits: https://www.amazon.com/Atomic-Habits-James-Clear-audiobook/dp/B07RFSSYBH/ref=sr Ed Mylett: https://open.spotify.com/show/19TdDBlFkqh7uevYO0jFSW?si=8RPtHx-CRVK-Xf5FTqblNA