A fun and informative podcast specifically created by seniorzzz for seniorzzz

por Al Jensen

Seniorzzz is designed for seniors. Listen here for inspirational stories and books that lift and add joy to your life. Learn from the experts things that will help make your life safer, more enjoyable and fun. Seniors is written and produced with seniors in mind. We hope you enjoy this podcast and welcome any feedback and comment. 801-231-5541

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • The most sacred and important week in the history of mankind

    The most sacred and important week in the history of mankind

    This episode features the 5 days leading up to the resurrection of the Lord. Each of the days is significant beings that it built upon the previous day. The entire episode focuses on the ability of all mankind to repent and come back to Christ.

  • Healing from the savior.

    Healing from the savior.

    This episode focuses on the saviors healing power and the many healings he performed. It also visits why at times we are not healed when we think that we should be. The podcast also discusses on things that we can do to help others who are suffering now and felt that they should have been healed.

  • Beware of scams out there that are pointed to us seniors.

    Beware of scams out there that are pointed to us seniors.

    A good friend of mine who was living in a care center received a unsolicited phone call the other day from publishers clearinghouse. Letting her know that she was the winner of a new mecerdes. Unknown to her it was a major scam. They asked for $3000 for prep and delivery fees that were to be advanced to her. Unfortunately she conformed and lost all her money. These scams happen all the time especially to seniors. This podcast talks about the various types of scams and what to do to detect and avoid them.

  • Wise men from the east come to visit the savior. The savior teaches in the temple as a youth

    Wise men from the east come to visit the savior. The savior teaches in the temple as a youth

    This podcast features the visit of the wise men who came to see Jesus when he was a lad. We are not sure how many wise men came to see the son of God. We do know that they were inspired and directed by the lord. The humble shepherds came to the scene after the birth of the savior. The shepherds in all humility worshiped him after and angel and a multitude of angels cam to them declaring the birth of the son of God. It also discusses how we can grow in stature and wisdom. It features the feelings that Joseph and Mary had when they could not find Jesus. The story of parents losing their child for several days is a key part of this podcast. I cannot imagine how Mary and Joseph felt when they could not find their son.

  • John 2-4 Ye must be born again

    John 2-4 Ye must be born again

    At a marriage feast in Cana, Christ changed water into wine—an event John called the “beginning of miracles” (John 2:11). That’s true in more than one sense. While this was the first miracle Jesus performed publicly, it can also symbolize another miraculous beginning—the process of our hearts being transformed as we become ever more like our Savior. This miracle of a lifetime begins with the decision to follow Jesus Christ, to change and live a better life through Him. This miracle can be so life-changing that being “born again” is one of the best ways to describe it (John 3:7). But rebirth is just the beginning of the path of discipleship. Christ’s words to the Samaritan woman at the well remind us that if we continue on this path, eventually the gospel will become “a well of water” inside us, “springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).