215 – The Blues : Ode To My All-Time Favorite Runner

Run For God: Run Club por Upward Sports

Notas del episodio

Have you ever hit that hard to reach goal only to find yourself asking, “What now?” We all have. Dean and Mitchell discuss a story about those circumstances. Then Dean shares about his favorite runner of all time. It’s not what you’d expect…

Great Weekend!

Post of the Week - Michelle Mitchell - Inadvertently running faster than the plan

Trivia answer from last week

Why your story matters, part 2 - Story of Mitchell’s dad story is podcast #44

Breaking records as many times as possible

Story of the Week - The Blues - Pam Bishop

Isaiah 41:10 - God wants to protect us

Psalms 40:1-3 - David’s testimony

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 - don’t just feel sorry for yourself - recognize who you are in Christ

Have you ever ignored a thorn in your side until it grew to a problem that other people started ... 

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