The Finished Work of Jesus: Finding Wholeness and Transformation With Susie Larson

Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera por Christina Perera Ministries, Inc.

Notas del episodio

“It is Finished” are the last words Jesus spoke before giving up His spirit on the cross. Because of those words, as a believer, you can live with the assurance that the curse is forever finished in your life. Don’t miss this powerful conversation with Susie Larson, a best-selling author, national speaker, and host of the popular radio show Susie Larson Live and author of Closer Than Your Next Breath: Where Is God When You Need Him Most? She shares her journey of encountering God’s love and healing amid trauma and chronic illness. She emphasizes the importance of knowing and experiencing the presence of God in our lives. We discuss the misconceptions about God’s presence and Jesu ... 

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lovefaithfearsalvationinsecuritymentorintrovertsexual traumaradio showbest selling authorhealing powerself hatredchronic health issuesfinished work of JesusSusie LarsonCloser than Your Next Breath