
Athlete Hacks and Considerations, DXA Scans, Powerlifter Necessities, And More!

Reckless Training por TC and Chris Nicole

Notas del episodio

In this episode Chris Nicole and TC tackle a third round of questions inspired by the listeners!

Here are some of the questions addressed in part 3 of this Q&A

  • What are some training consideration that need to be taken into account when starting your lifting journey as a young/old athlete?
  • What are strategies to help consume higher volumes of carbs in the improvement season?
  • Is it detrimental to eat carbs in the evening or before bed?
  • What foods should you never eat?
  • Are food intolerance tests valid?
  • Should I be getting Dexa scans to measure my progress?
  • Is a posing suit necessary?
  • What are some tools a powerlifter should utilize to advance as an athlete?