Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Power to the People. A Short Squeeze on Wall Street.

    Power to the People. A Short Squeeze on Wall Street.

    Back from hiatus, Brad and Maz sit down to talk shop about the commotion on Wall Street and how it may be a strong sign of things to come!

  • A Capitol siege and getting the love you want (based on true events)!

    A Capitol siege and getting the love you want (based on true events)!

    In episode 008 of RLF - Maz and Brad are forced to play some serious mental gymnastics in order to unpack what will undeniably be regarded as one of the strangest weeks in recent U.S. history, From a failed coup d'etat at the nations capitol to 'getting the love you want' out of your relationships - it's time for some much needed reflection!

  • New Year's Resolutions (and a Hard Reality Check!)

    New Year's Resolutions (and a Hard Reality Check!)

    In episode 007 of RLF - Maz and Brad discuss their plans for the new year and are humbled by recent events related to the ongoing pandemic.

  • Our Favorite Disasters of 2020 | The Holiday Special

    Our Favorite Disasters of 2020 | The Holiday Special

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Radio LaForce! In the final episode of 2020, Maz and Brad reminisce on their favorite disasters of a year which no one is likely to forget, however much they'd like to. We'll see you next year!

  • It Could Be Worse

    It Could Be Worse

    Mazin Akar and Bradley LaForce reflect on a fulfilling weekend of charitable work brought to them by mutual friend Chris Bidmead and come to realize that with all the drama 2020 has brought along with it... "It all could be a lot worse."