The Racial ScoreboardExplícito

por John Wilson

Through the doctoring of our US constitution by Black Communist President John F. Kennedy out country has been over run by Black communist interest where it is now illegal to have prejudice against a Black communist. We want to take a look at race from the dual nature of race within our country where race is defined by a persons belief in Protestant Race of Christ or the Communist Race of Satan. Yet the race of deception in S ...   ...  Leer más

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • The Segregation of Samson vs. The Desegregation of Magic Johnson

    The Segregation of Samson vs. The Desegregation of Magic Johnson

    Understanding the fundamentals of race mean that in a free society racial minorities are given sovereignty over Black Communist. This matters because if our country was practicing Freedom from Communist, Magic Johnson would not be promoting slavery pride nights in downtown Los Angles. The Washington D.C. Democrats want to tear down every Confederate except the Black confederate who is doing slavery right next door, lik?e Magic Johnson who allows slavery and Aids in his home. The question every God fearing American must ask themselves is how did this Aids infected Communist obtain the control over slaves in my country

  • Remember the Nigerian Titans

    Remember the Nigerian Titans

    One of the biggest obstacles I have ever had in my life is dealing with my communist neighbors in Washington D.C. Audrey and George Nwanze. This married couple was a British Accented lawyer from Nigeria who was best friends with the mayor and the Devil along with his wife who was a T.C. Williams graduate. Although I have faced racism as the leader of the White Race all of my life, most notably through high school at Albert Einstein High School. I wanted to start with my African neighbor because in the discussion of race within our country the African has no place. Yet when large numbers of our population are practicing and promoting slavery like my Nigerian neighbor and many other of my business and residential neighbors in Washington D.C. What has happened over the last 20 years is that through my experiences I have gained a deep understanding of how the communist have used perjury to take over our entire government. We are going to talk about my experiences and what this means to the racial minority of our country and protecting Freedom