The Illusion of the Perfect Time: A Guide for Introverted Leaders to Act Now [ep 26]

Quietly Influential: Leadership Lessons for Introverts por Guin White

Notas del episodio

The Illusion of the Perfect Time: A Guide for Introverted Leaders to Take Action

  • Host: Guin White
  • Duration: 15:45 minutes
  • Release Date: 05/02/2024

Episode Overview:

In this enlightening episode, Guin White, a leadership and empowerment coach, dismantles the myth of the perfect time—a notion that often hinders introverted leaders from taking decisive action. With expert insights from leading figures like Dr. Susan Cain, Adam Grant, and Brené Brown, this episode explores why waiting for the "right time" is an illusion that can prevent professional progress. Through compelling real-life stories of introverted leaders who have stepped up and achieved success, listeners will find encouragement and strategies to move from co ... 

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Palabras clave
introvertsintroverted leadersleadershipprocrastinationactiondecision-makingtimingwaitinginaction