Notas del episodio

- Introduction:

- Host introduces the podcast as a guide through the darker aspects of technological advancement.

- Sets the tone for exploring the shadows beneath innovation's surface.

- Segment 1: VASA-1:

- Introduces VASA-1, an AI marvel capable of lifelike interactions from minimal data.

- Raises concerns about misinformation and privacy invasion amidst its impressive capabilities.

- Asks whether we're experiencing a revolution or digital deception.

- Duration: 1 minute

- Segment 2: Meta's Llama 3:

- Focuses on Meta's Llama 3, showcasing its AI power while highlighting concerns about human job displacement.

- Questions whether we're embracing innovation or paving the way for a robotic uprising.

- Dur ... 

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Palabras clave
QQMworld, Robotics and Ai,