Affective Forecasting: Why we’re horrible at predicting how money will make us feel

P$yFi | Psychological Finance por The Redstone Rocket

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Money really does not buy happiness, but we consistently overpredict that it will. “If only I could get that promotion, then I would be happier.” This is called affective (feeling) forecasting, in which we fail miserably each time. We even fail to predict what will make us unhappy. Listen in on how we tend to get our future selves mixed up with an unknown person. Discover how empathizing with your future self can actually improve your financial well-being.

Don’t miss Redstone Arsenal’s FREE Financial Symposium on 9 MAR 2023 at the Overlook. This is an in-person event open to anyone with Redstone Arsenal access. FREE Lunch will be served in conjunction with the Army Emergency Relief kickoff. Can’t make a full day of it? Attend one or two classes. Certificates of completion will be provided for CLPs. Leaders, consider making this an  ... 

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