
We Byke

Press Gawdz Podcast por Press Gawdz Pod

Notas del episodio

After a long and overdue wait the Press Gawdz are back with another episode where they tried to tackle what's been happening these passed few weeks. Starting with a quick recap of what they did kicked off the pod then it was a very much a freestyle with our new camera and how it would hold up and I gotta admit its great. let us know how you like the quality of the camera.

Contact & interact with us on Instagram/Twitter @PressGawdz.Podcast

Tiller/Thomas - @TriState_tiller/@Igetjadadrunk

Ty - @Tyvisionaryofficial/@TysThoughts

Vince - @Veemindstate/@YungVitto1

Joe - @PraiseJoe_

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