Sandra Possing, CEO of Sandra Possing Coaching

powherfull inc startup stories por Mia Frankl

Notas del episodio

Sandra has been coaching online for over 10 years; she grew as a result of her own yearning to be more... more her, more true, more expressed. It's a story so many of us feel and wonder if it will ever come true.

Well, Sandra will tell you it will IF YOU BELIEVE IT AND ALIGN YOUR ACTIONS TO CREATING IT. I love the softness of her femininity combined with the toughness of her "wild woman" which cuts right into you, confronting and spot on.

I am also excited to meet now, well into her first pregnancy, and see how she further evolves with the adventure of motherhood (as I find it is very transformative with or without self development work!).

The juiciness of this episode is really in how very possible it is for you, and me, and her and her and her, to release who we were (are) trying to be, and just get on with the business of  ... 

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