OH, For F💋CK Sake!!

por Lennilyn Michaels

Welcome to my Podcast!!

I’m here to say what everyone is thinking…but won’t say out loud!! Oh, For F CK Sake is a podcast about relationships, parenting, addictions, mental health, and money management, adulting, and the list goes on. podcast where unfiltered thoughts meet bold conversations. Hosted by a fierce single mom and entrepreneur who has conquered life’s toughest challenges, this show dives into the topics ev ... 

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Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • Season 2 : Parenting


    Season 2 : Parenting


    This season is going to be a fun one!! Parenting is a very controversial topic! And it has changed so much over the years. I want to start this next season of Parenting by going over all the different family dynamics out there and the styles and approaches people use to parent. Trust me, I am no saint. I'm not here to tell anyone how to parent either. I just want to get that out of the way. But, I have some fun tips & advice (if you're open to advice from ME) that I'd love to share with everyone. Join me on this next Season into the world of Parenting. Meet my parents : Mary Beth & John. Gonna let you guys in on how I was brought up. The dynamic of my family. As always, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for tuning in and listening. Hang on tight for this crazy ride I call LiFE! It’s gonna be my BEST chapter yet. Don’t forget to like & subscribe to my channel!!💋

  • Temporada 1

  • Relationship Remix Part 2:


    Relationship Remix Part 2:


    Wrapping up the last of the 6 Types of Relationships: Casual, Open, and Toxic relationships. How many of these have you been in? How many are you currently in? Are you happy? Do you need change? Be the change, take the step, and GROW!! So, where does your relationship fall with someone you know? I personally have had sooo many of all of these relationships, including TOXIC ones still to this day! Be aware of the signs and the healthy strategies to overcome any obstacle getting in the way. BEST ADVICE.....COMMUNICATE!! works EVERY time, I mean it. Doesn't mean you'll always like what someone has to say but if it holds truth and justification, then you'll usually find a solution! Thank you 💋 for tuning in to listen and hang on tight for this crazy ride I call LiFE! It’s gonna be my BEST chapter yet. Don’t forget to like & subscribe to my channel!! Also, still taking donations for the Suicide Prevention Walk in November for my dad. HUGE thank you!! to my anonymous donators, much love and appreciation!! ❤

  • Friday Feels : Life As A Bunny 🐰


    Friday Feels : Life As A Bunny 🐰


    You've met Hugh Hefner!? YES. You've been to the Playboy Mansion? YES, and stayed there. Can I see your pictures? Sure. They're out there, I'm not gonna give you a link or anything tho. I'm gonna take you back to 21 year old Lenni and the time I lived the life of a Playboy Bunny! I'm going to let you in on my experience, how I got in to it, and my take from the whole experience in itself. I don't regret a thing and I'm honestly glad/proud of myself for going through it the way I did. People either know I was in Playboy or are about to be VERY surprised!! Can't wait til my next FRIDAY FEELS. Email: fromthedeskoflenni@outlook.com with your topic ideas!! Thanks Andy for todays 🐰 As always, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for tuning in and listening. Hang on tight for this crazy ride I call LiFE! It’s gonna be my BEST chapter yet. Don’t forget to like & subscribe to my channel!! 💋

  • The Manipulation Game: How Toxic Takes Over


    The Manipulation Game: How Toxic Takes Over


    I think we've all been there. I know I have numerous times. Whether it be because of the illusion of normalcy or the comfort of safety, toxic relationships always take so much out of us. They start small—little red flags we ignore because we’re invested or hopeful. It feels easier to rationalize the bad moments than to face the truth that this isn’t healthy. Over time, though, these small compromises pile up, and before we know it, we’ve lost a sense of who we are. Toxic relationships thrive on control, manipulation, and emotional imbalance. They can make us question our worth, our sanity, and our strength. What’s worse is how subtly they creep into our lives. It’s easy to convince ourselves that it's just a rough patch or that things will change. But the reality is, toxic dynamics rarely improve without significant change from both sides. We get hooked by promises of love, moments of clarity, and fleeting glimpses of what we wish it could be. It’s a cycle that plays with our emotions—just enough affection to keep us there, just enough toxicity to keep us off balance. It’s hard to break away because part of us believes we deserve this, or that we can fix it, or that maybe this is as good as it gets. But the truth is, it never is. The longer we stay, the more damage is done. And the deeper the wound, the harder it becomes to heal. Recognizing that you're in a toxic relationship is the first step, but the hardest part is walking away. Letting go of the fantasy and embracing the reality that you deserve more. I've been there, I know. Seek help if you need to: NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE CALL 1-800-799-SAFE(7233) or TEXT "START" to 88788 Thank you 💋 for tuning in to listen and hang on tight for this crazy ride I call LiFE! It’s gonna be my BEST chapter yet. Don’t forget to like & subscribe to my channel!! Also, still taking donations for the Suicide Prevention Walk in November for my dad. HUGE thank you!! to my anonymous donators, much love and appreciation!! ❤

  • The Open Playbook: Rules, Realities, and Revelations


    The Open Playbook: Rules, Realities, and Revelations


    Open Relationships = A LOT of Communication!! I try my best to go over Open Relationships. I've never personally been in one myself and I would LOVE to hear from someone who is or has been. But I do my best to explain what they are. From the rules to realities to revelations. I honestly think Open Relationships would be a lot of work!! But, then again, I've never been in one. If you have, please email me. I'd love to know more about your experiences, take on the whole matter and maybe you'll even let me interview you!! As always, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for tuning in and listening. Hang on tight for this crazy ride I call LiFE! It’s gonna be my BEST chapter yet. Don’t forget to like & subscribe to my channel!! 💋