Not Now, Not Never

por Em & Chanell

Sit with Em and Chanell as we discuss life, love and friendship. The podcast where we seek perspective, not perfection.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Episode 7: Season of Mental Maintenance

    Episode 7: Season of Mental Maintenance

    The check engine light you shouldn't ignore. The ladies are tackling mental health. From their personal experience with seeking a therapist, finding the right fit, and knowing what you need during different eras of life.

  • Episode 6: Season of Expansion

    Episode 6: Season of Expansion

    New Year, New... Mindsets? The ladies are diving into New Year resets and sharing their goals for 2024. Take notes!

  • Episode 5: Season of Betting on Yourself


    Episode 5: Season of Betting on Yourself


    This week Em and Chanell are joined by Rina to discuss betting on ourselves and diving in with both feet. There's a saying that goes, "Do one thing every day that scares you." and while Rina may not have been scared, she did something new everyday for 10 months last year that would scare most. She traveled solo through Asia after leaving a job and a season of life that no longer served her. Listen in as she shares her experience in taking the leap, her time in Asia, and when to grab on to the motorbike.

  • Episode 4: Season of Singledom


    Episode 4: Season of Singledom


    This week we are starting an ongoing conversation about the state of dating. What can sometimes feel like a war, we keep going because we've heard stories of victories and have experienced losses. Hear about what horrors Chanell has seen, and what heroes Emily knows. Whether you're married, divorced, single, or somewhere in between, we have a lot to say. We couldn't squeeze everything into this episode, but we have more to come on the topic. Stay tuned!

  • Episode 3: Season of Change


    Episode 3: Season of Change


    This week the ladies cover identity, the friendship break-up, and leaving behind what no longer serves us.