A Climate Emergency with Brian Egan and William Banks

National Security Law Today por National Security Law Today

Notas del episodio
This week is all about climate change, an increasingly undeniable threat to our national security. Host Elisa is joined by committee members Brian Egan and William Banks to discuss what legal authorities are at the disposal of the President to help combat this crisis. What defines an international economic emergency? And domestically, what other authorities can the President utilize to target certain parties that threaten our global climate? Brian Egan is a Partner at Skadden: https://www.skadden.com/en/Professionals/E/Egan-Brian William Banks is Chair of the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security Advisory Committee, and Emeritus Professor at the Syracuse University College of Law: http://law.syr.edu/profile/william-banks1 References: International Emergency Economic Powers Act: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@titl ...   ...  Leer más