Notas del episodio

Happy Belated Pride to all! Mom and I sat down to watch Kinky Boots. She had seen the touring stage production, but not the movie, so it was a fun time to be had.

There wasn't a lot of trivia for this movie and the events of the few days before recording were heavy on our spirits. In the US the highest court of the land overturned a 50 year old ruling that allowed for women to be provided safe abortions. Now it is up to the states to choke women's bodily autonomy, which many have been greedily waiting to do. It is sick and a very sad time to be the owner of a uterus in the United States.

We urge all allies, ladies, men who care about women's rights and people with uterus' in general to contact all of your state and local representatives on both sides of the aisle. We urge you to get out and vote these suuuppppeeerrrr conservatives tha ... 

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