Record-Breaking job vacancies in Q4, Canada looking to fill 920,000 jobs

M-J Global Podcasts por Team M-J Global

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The number of jobs in Canada are incomparable to the pre-COVID job requirements, and employers find it challenging to choose employees who fit incorrectly in multiple sectors.

Canadian Statistics reports highlights…

According to the Canadian Statistics reports, “The Canadian employers were looking to hire employees for 915,500 job openings from the fourth quarter all over the 20 sectors in 2021. This number of job vacancies is 80 percent more compared to 2019 and 63.4 percent compared to 2020.”

From the job vacancies report of the fourth quarter for 2021, the national government’s statistical and demographics services agency recorded high-job openings that were accorded with a complete recovery of remunerated employment and dropping unemployment.

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