Mind Your Mornings With Anna Chandy - Addiction with Sudha & Manoj

Mind your Mornings por Anna Chandy

Notas del episodio
I am Anovshka, your host for this season. And I am back with another episode of Mindyour Mornings. In the last episode we discussed addiction with Sudha. And that gave me a lot to think about. I started looking at my smoker friend differently. I tried tounderstand why my cousin prioritises her work over holidays with family. And I alsobegan to notice my own relationship with food, alcohol, work, coffee.We have a lot more to learn on addiction, and different types of addiction, to see whatthey really are. Since the last episode, we got a lot of requests to talk about some specific addictions. We have tried to include those in today’s episode.
Palabras clave
life skillscounsellingmental healthconfidenceconnectionanxietymindbodyaddictionalcahol