Training Transfer, Trunk Development for Rotational Athletes and Creating an Online Audience (w/ Martin Bingisser)

Beyond the Swing Podcast por Matt Kuzdub

Notas del episodio

In this episode, creator of Hmmr Media - Martin Bingisser - joins me to talk about choosing exercises that are the most 'bang for your buck' in terms of training transfer.

As a former hammer throwing athlete (and now coach), Martin has an extensive background in trunk development and describes his approach - using bodyweight, weights and med balls to target this quality.

Martin also coaches athletes from other sports - including rugby, tennis etc - and shares his insights on using the Bondarchuk system to classify + organize training, where various tennis activities would fit into this categorization and the how + why behind mircodosing certain workouts.

Palabras clave
tennisathletic developmenttraining transferbondarchukmed ball trainingbloggingonline business