Notas del episodio

First Luminous Mystery of Christ’s life: The Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan by John the Baptist.

The site of Jesus’ baptism was identified by the first Christians at a bend in the Jordan river as it travels through the desert of Judea, where the ruins of a 4th century Church have been found. Right in this` river, pilgrims can enter the now small muddy flow of water close to where Jesus stood, and where the ancient Israelites entered into the promised land after the Exodus.

Second Luminous Mystery of Christ’s life: The Wedding at Cana in Galilee, where Jesus performed his first miracle turning water into wine.

Stone jars can be seen inside the small Church in the town of Cana, close to Nazareth. Such jars would have been the kind used at the time of Jesus to hold plain water for rit ... 

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magdalarosaryholy landprayerLuminous Mysteries