The Chronicles of a Mad AsianExplícito

por lulusunoutloud

We're talking about real life shit. You know, things people giggle about behind closed doors, but too scared to say out loud? We'll make you laugh, but I'm sure I just might make you blush... Listen to us on these podcast platforms: Spotify, Amazon, Google, and Applet. Want to stay up to date on the deets? Follow me on Instagram @lulusunoutloud!

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 3

  • S3E14: Easily Offended


    S3E14: Easily Offended


    Are you easily offended? You may not think you are… but all it takes is that ONE comment to throw you over the edge. It’s Mother’s Day. Families are dysfunctional AF. Trust me. You’ll be easily offended today. LOL Deep breath. Namaste. - Note: Views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the author and panel of guest speakers. Everything stated is non-related to the podcast author’s employer, nor the panel of guest speaker ’s employers, organizations, or other groups or individuals.

  • S3E13: Driving Pet Peeves


    S3E13: Driving Pet Peeves


    Slow ass drivers, leaving your blinker on, breaking for NO reason, texting and driving… Are you losing your shit already? Put the pedal to the metal, PEEPS! And, stop road raging and laying on your honker! Enough said. - Note: Views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the author and panel of guest speakers. Everything stated is non-related to the podcast author’s employer, nor the panel of guest speaker ’s employers, organizations, or other groups or individuals.

  • S3E12: Into the Coochie-verse


    S3E12: Into the Coochie-verse


    Sometimes I wish I could collaborate with a celeb to sell something that smells like my... We’re talking about candles, incense, beer and more! I’m wondering if it’s even possible to capture the perfect floral essence of my… Betcha didn’t see this one coming! - Note: Views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the author and panel of guest speakers. Everything stated is non-related to the podcast author’s employer, nor the panel of guest speaker ’s employers, organizations, or other groups or individuals.

  • S3E11: Random Questions to Strangers


    S3E11: Random Questions to Strangers


    When you’re in public and you look at a stranger, do you ever think random crazy shit in your head about them? Ever want to ask them a random question? Duh. We do! LOL! I really want to know WTF is in your grocery cart. All. The. Time. - Note: Views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the author and panel of guest speakers. Everything stated is non-related to the podcast author’s employer, nor the panel of guest speaker ’s employers, organizations, or other groups or individuals.

  • S3E10: Weird Things People Like


    S3E10: Weird Things People Like


    What’s weird to you, may not be weird to others. We want to know, is your “thing” actually “weird”? LOL Do any of these rock your boat? Smell of gasoline – Holding in your sneeze – Popping your spouse’s pimples – Dog’s tonguing your mouth – Vienna sausages – Jumping out of the closet to scare you – My Strange Addition - Note: Views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the author and panel of guest speakers. Everything stated is non-related to the podcast author’s employer, nor the panel of guest speaker ’s employers, organizations, or other groups or individuals.