Ep13 LIVEmeoga FiveByFive

Five By Five with LIVEmeoga por Elaine Lee

Notas del episodio

So this is apparently a real controversy! Sound. Yup straight from the water cooler I heard this heated debate over sound.

Okay this is directed towards a recent study from Hubstop and what Harvard Business School and University are doing about how we create content with or without sound. Dig into this short podcast where I give you insight into stories used on both Facebook and Instagram. I chat briefly able copy and content as well.

Shameless - please subscribe to this channel for my 💯 authentic musing. I don’t edit and people ask me why all the time. It’s because I’m not polished or perfect so let’s not pretend to be! If you want to join the movement of ongoing learning and leadership together head over to my website LIVEmeog.com l ... 

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#LIVEmeoga #relationships #llifestyle #friends #coaching #goals #productivity#productivity #business #technology #goalsetting #marketing #planning #organizationaldevelopment #personaldevelopment#lifestyle #business #success #news #goals #itunes #podcast #daily #marketing#lifestyle #business #news #marketing #organizations#itunes #podcasts #news #business #success #goals #stories #lifestylespotifyconsulting coach coaching online marketing masterclass livemeoga pinterest instagram facebookmillennials genz genxfacebook instagram stories content copy pr