Live from the Ley Line

por Cameron Porter

In this conspiracy podcast, featuring Cameron Porter and Avery Newitt, the boys will be on a hunt for the truth, delving into every conspiracy with an open mind.

Episodios del podcast

  • 33. Tenants of Freemasonry w/ Kevin Atchison


    33. Tenants of Freemasonry w/ Kevin Atchison


    Welcome back to another episode of Live from the Ley Line. For the 33rd episode, the boys did something special for the listeners and recruited a real Freemason to come on and talk about what it means to be a Mason. For those who don't know, the final level you can reach in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is 33, so it only seems right to put a Freemason theme on the 33rd episode. Enjoy!

  • 32. Leave the World Behind


    32. Leave the World Behind


    Welcome back to another episode of Live from the Ley Line. After a long holiday hiatus, the boys are back better than ever and ready to rock it. In today's episode, they chop it up about the hit Netflix film, 'Leave the World Behind'. The movie is ripe with symbolism of the end times, as well as some common conspiracy themes that the boys have covered in previous podcasts.

  • 31. Hunter Moon Sacrifices


    31. Hunter Moon Sacrifices


    Welcome back to another episode of Live form the Ley Line. Sorry for the break ladies and gentlemen, the boys have quite busy personal lives and until the podcast is paying the bills, they gotta take care of business. Nonetheless, they don't miss a beat, and in todays episode they cover topics including Egyptian tombs/hieroglyphs found in the Grand Canyon and Matthew Perry's symbolic hot tub death on the Hunter's Moon.

  • 30. Static Conspiracy w/ Bob LeMent


    30. Static Conspiracy w/ Bob LeMent


    Welcome back to another episode of Live from the Ley Line. Today, the boys invite Static Radio host Bob LeMent on for some fun and interesting conversations. Bob is a veteran in the game with no shortage of topics to cover. Static Radio has been on since 1999, before the boys were born! Enjoy while we take you on a hectic little boat ride down our stream of consciousness.Bob's links and socials:Website - Instagram - staticradioFacebook - Bob LeMent

  • 29. Biblical Prophecies of the End Times


    29. Biblical Prophecies of the End Times


    Welcome back to another episode of Live from the Ley Line. If you are following the conflicts in the middle-east, it's not hard to notice the rumblings of WW3 brewing. Today, the boys talk about some biblical prophecies that are being fulfilled, as well as a very cryptic letter written by the Confederate General and esteemed Freemason; Albert Pike. Like always, don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and smash that 5-star button!