Embracing the endless journey: A shift in perspective

Sobriety over Society Podcast por Stevie Barker

Notas del episodio

I once heard this powerful phrase that's stuck with me ever since: "Marry the process, divorce the result."

For far too long, I've measured my happiness and success through the lens of others' expectations and societal standards. It's been a rollercoaster, trying to find confidence in my own pursuits amidst this external noise.

When we chase after goals based on what's popular or what society tells us is the definition of success, we lose sight of what truly brings us joy. We get so fixated on the end result that we forget to appreciate the journey, and when things don't go as planned, the lows hit even harder because we didn't embrace the process.

We need to shift our focus from the outcome to the journey itself. Every triumph and setback is part of the process, and it's in understanding and accepting this that we find resilien ... 

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