
Episode 129: Lips of an Angel (feat. Emily Hopkins & Russ)

Leighton Night with Brian Wecht por Leighton Gray

Notas del episodio

What a delightful episode! On this one, we're joined by harpist/pedal enthusiast Emily Hopkins (@emilyharpist), her partner Russ, and our producer Jerik for a super fun conversation about all sorts of stuff: whether Billy Joel sucks or not, #littlelongislandthings, overdone wedding song requests, cool boutique pedals, and more. Jerik serenades us! Brian cries laughing! Emily and Russ are absolutely god dang delightful! Follow us on Twitter at @leightonnight and on Instagram at @leighton_night. You can find Brian on Twitter/Instagram at @bwecht, and Leighton at @graylish (Twitter)/@buttchamps (Instagram).