Power to the People

Left Takes on the EU por The Left in the European Parliament

Notas del episodio

The energy model in Europe has been defined by decades of liberalisation and privatisation. The marginalist pricing model allows big energy companies to sell cheap renewable energy at the price of expensive fossil fuels such as gas and coal, giving rise to fluctuations and speculation with all kinds of windfall profits. While people in Europe struggle to make ends meet and pay unprecedented bills to heat and light their homes, European energy companies have hit the jackpot.

The Left in the European Parliament has been campaigning for a radical change in the EU energy model to ensure that the energy system serves people and planet and not the profits of big energy corporations.

We discussed the issues at play in the EU energy policies and the role of powerful energy corporations with MEP ... 

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Palabras clave
european unioneuropean parliamentenergygaselectricity