Episodios del podcast
Temporada 1
LAW's CAP Launch: Bringing Ideas to Life!
LAW's CAP is a new initiative brought to life by Ms. Sue Sudarak, the founder & principal of Language Arts Workshop (LAW), where Personalized Learning is made possible! At LAW, we bring new ideas to life, we inspire each other, and we celebrate success! Follow us on Language Arts Workshop's Facebook Page and YouTube channel if you prefer something more visual. Have a great day!
LAW's CAP Theme Song: Sensei, did you know?
Sensei, did you know? song was originally written in Japanese by Mihoko Kawata and Nana Honjyo from Akita, Japan. Vincent Ong, a homegrown pianist from Penang, Malaysia brought the English version to life. Enjoy! Subscribe to LAW's CAP or follow us on Language Arts Workshop's Facebook Page and YouTube Channel to find out how did LAW Team usually bring great ideas to life!
What's LAW's CAP?
LAW's CAP is a platform for Language Arts Workshop (LAW) students to express and showcase their creativity through Communication Arts activities (both in theory and application). At LAW, we bring ideas to life, we inspire each other, and we celebrate success! To join LAW, contact us at languageartsworkshop.penang@gmail.com or PM us via our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Language-Arts-Workshop-Penang-Malaysia-761701033854634
Introducing LAW's Facilitators!
In this episode, Language Arts Workshop's (LAW) facilitators share WHO we are, WHY we joined LAW, and HOW Self-Directed Learning skills help us adapt to the world's uncertainties with ease and confidence while strengthening trusting relationships at work year after year!
Online learning skills should be taken seriously!